When seeking effective treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), various factors must be taken into account. TMD primarily involves the displacement of articular discs, which cover the condyles (cartilage on the upper part of the jaw bones), resulting in the compression of nerves and blood vessels. Consequently, individuals experience pain in the head and neck region. Additionally, TMD commonly leads to compression of the cervical spine (neck), exacerbating nerve compression further. Given the interdependency of the cervical spine and TMJ, the condition of one can significantly impact the other.
Now, let’s explore the implications of exercise and its impact on the effectiveness of TMD treatment. Engaging in activities such as running can subject the neck to significant impact, leading to compression of the spinous processes. Consequently, this compression can adversely affect the temporomandibular (TM) joints. Therefore, it is generally not advisable to engage in running while undergoing TMD treatment. An alternative to running is the use of an elliptical machine. This low-impact device provides an excellent cardiovascular workout without putting strain on the neck. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being of the TM joints and cervical spine during the exercise routine.
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TMJ Disorder and Exercise