Complementing Therapies

Here at Sleep & TMJ Therapy, we care about your overall health and comfort, which is why we offer additional adjunctive services to help relax your muscles and provide relief from the tension and your symptoms of pain. To complement our appliance treatments, we offer Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, Laser Therapy, Neubie Therapy, BOTOX® Therapy and Whitening Therapy. All of those can be done individually, together or combined with just two.

Contact our office today to learn more about the our complimentary therapies and schedule an appointment with one of our team members!


A great option to include with treatment would be to schedule this service with our in-house licensed massage therapist. After the laser, our massage therapist will focus on your targeted masseter muscles (the jaw), the sternocleidomastoid muscles (two thick muscles in the front of the neck), temporal muscles (side of face), and trapezius (upper back and neck). These are all trigger points of sore or tender spots. Based on your symptoms, the massage can help relieve headaches, earaches, tightness in your face, neck and upper back pain caused by these trigger points. The targeted areas major benefit of adding a massage to your treatment is an increase of endorphins, which produces a calming effect, increase blood flow and circulation, less pain, reduced inflammation, and decreased stiffness.

The combined laser therapy with massage therapy is provided on Fridays and Saturday mornings, lasting about 30-40 minutes. During this time, our therapist will review stretches and self-massage techniques to be completed at home and in between appointments. Depending on your symptoms, you can start to find relief in the first sessions.


Laser therapy can be a powerful addition to your treatment. This is a conservative therapy, non-invasive therapeutic modality. Typically, patients find the results very therapeutic. This is a terrific addition after an adjustment appointment. The process targets myofascial pain and neck pain. This is an option of two: Biolase® or Fotona®. Both are low-intensity lasers which penetrate at different depths within the tissue. The areas generally focused on for the jaw are the masseters, pterygoids, and temporalis muscles. For the area of the neck the sternocleidomastoids, trapezius, scapulae and splenius capitis muscles are targeted. These areas are exposed to low levels of exposure that create a therapeutic warming sensation. This process temporarily benefits our patients with relaxed muscles, increased circulation, improved cellular metabolism and a reduction of TMD symptoms. The process promotes regeneration and healing. The appointment can be booked on any day with a duration of 20-30 minutes for the Biolase and 50-60 minutes for the Fotona. This depends on your need and targeted areas as to the better laser choice.


Another option would be the use of the Neubie machine. This is a Neuro-Bio-Electric Stimulator. This helps the patient increase range of motion, reduce spasms, increase blood flow, and relieve pain. This tends to be better than a TENS (Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation) unit. Pain relief varies from person to person, but the effects are longer lasting. The system will help “reset” neurological patterns to help reteach the body to go back to the correct optimal state or function. The office visits typically are about 50–60 minutes. There are restrictions so ask a team member for information about this service.


Another option for an adjunctive service with treatment would be injections of BOTOX®. This therapy allows for a quicker relief of temporomandibular pain and tension. This is accomplished by relaxing the targeted muscles thus preventing unconscious clenching or grinding. Pain relief varies from person to person, but the effects are generally felt from weeks to months. The office visits typically are about 60 minutes. There are restrictions so ask a team member for information about this service.


This service is frequently asked for after treatment is finished. There are two options. The in-house has amazing results after 40 minutes. The at-home option allows for more of a gradual change. Ask our team which would be right for you.